We are M/WBE, SBE, EBE, DBE. ACDBE certified firm.
Judy Judy Media Inc, a Woman Owned Business, is a full service advertising agency with 25+ years of results-driven strategy, brand development, creative marketing, media planning and placement experience.
We concentrate on how to impact your bottom line. Judy Judy Media’s competencies center around effective strategies to reach your objectives. More often than not, we will come to the table with creative solutions that drive results. We have a long track record of providing deliverables that not only meet, but exceed expectations and goals.
541430 - Graphic design services
541613 - Marketing consulting service
541810 - Advertising agency
541830 - Media buying services
541840 - Media representative includes Television, Radio, Newspaper, Publishers
541850 - Transit/outdoor advertising includes Display, Taxicab, Bus, Subway, Billboard
541860 - Direct mail advertising
7311 - Advertising agency
7319 - Advertising , not elsewhere classified
7312 - Outdoor advertising
7313 - Radio advertising
7336 - Commercial arts & graphic design
8742 - Management, consulting services